
Why, oh why, oh why?

Monday 3 June 2013

Okay, I have been sitting on this rant for quite a while now. Why? I'm actually not much of a one for ranting.

But seriously ladies (and this is only for the ladies, men don't EVER do this) what is with the pigeon-toed poses? Good lord, you make me want to scream gently fix your feet so they are pointing in a more natural, functional direction. You know what I'm talking about. It feels like every second blog post I have looked at over the past few years is characterised by at least one, if not more, shots of the sewist/model performing the "shy toddler" stance.

Can I just say gently and quietly, you are not shy 3 year olds. You are grown, beautiful, talented women. You really are, that's what keeps me coming back to your blogs over and over.

And now I am done...

I can't be the only one out here that is driven mad by this pose? Am I?


  1. Lol... I'm totally with you on this one Jillian, and you put it so well.

    1. See, you never do it! Love your confident poses :)

  2. Yay! someone after my own heart. Those feet drive me NUTS, closely followed by the side-on-hand-on-hip-twisted-dropped-shoulder so loved by teen girls but also afflicting those who should know better. Why can't they stand up straight, shoulders back, tummy in? Infinitely more flattering.

  3. I hate that pose, too. Is that supposed to be cute? Make feet looks smaller? Like you're caught in the middle of a twisting dance move? I've seen people queued up for the bus and never see women standing like that in real life. I don't get it, either. Harrumph.

    1. I think it's meant to be cute and coy, and maybe if that's the image you want to promote its just fine...

  4. Hear! Hear! Who on earth would start such an ugly trend for photos? And those who follow it?



  5. hahahahahahaha I have noticed but I can't say I'm bothered by it. I avoid all blogs run by women pretending to be children (and posing/acting like children). I can't see the point of it (apart from distracting the paedos from real children-which is always a good thing) but I can say that sexy baby voice is a lot more grating than sexy baby posing (yea it's a thing, a hideous thing but a thing nonetheless. I think Colbert did a skit on it or something' XD).

    1. "Sexy" baby voices, uggggh the very thought.


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